Mopster Mop Chenille 6mm
Mop flies have been proving deadly in reservoirs, managed fisheries and the wild. At Semperfli we looked at the mop fly and decided to upgrade it to make the mop fly even more deadly and created Mopster tm Chenille. We measured the diameter of a range of mops to work out a consistent size then created an entirely new chenille with multicoloured guard hair tinsels protruding from the chenille.
With Mopster the tinsel provides mobility and additional attraction in the water but make the mop fly look astounding. Dyed in our standard colour palette Mopster is available in a colour range never seen by any fly tyer stealing their household mops to make flies. From Fluoro colours to adams and tan Mopster is the future of the Mop fly.
We tested it with young fly tyers and fly fishermen who would admit to using mop flies and it caught loads of fish. So try Mopster Mop Chenille Adams .... it could be your guilty secret!
Mopster is a trade mark of Semperfli Fly Tying Materials copyright 2023 UK00003899180
This product was last modified on 14/03/2025 06:45
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