Flash Storage Pot Large 9 inch
With so many hanked flash materials we have been looking at how we store these in our personal fly tying desks at home and decided we really needed a solution to store our flash materials.
The problem was that there are many different sizes of flash in the market depending on whether manufacturers center tie their hanked flash to produce 6 inch hanks or like Semperfli end tie to produce 10 inch lengths of flash. We looked the Semperfli Dubbing boxes and found our answer, we designed our own Flash Storage Pots, 2 versions either 6 inch and 9 inches tall. With twin layers our Flash Storage Pots store 20 hanks ready to use with every hank visible easily. The result a tidy drawer and less frustration and tangled materials!
This product was last modified on 19/02/2025 06:45
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