Okay, in these recent fly fishing tutorials we’ve covered different approaches to cast accurately, how to present your dry fly, and how to handle difficult wind conditions (no, we don’t mean after a heavy curry!) It’s time now to say a little more about the deadly wind.
Last time we addressed ways of dealing with different wind conditions using the overhead style of casting, with side variants. You may well have guessed by now that the same approaches can be used with roll casts when you have side winds, and that you can cast backhanded when you need to.
If you are a beginner, though, we should mention that you practice your basic casting techniques when the wind is blowing at right angles to your shoulders. Which means, blowing from left to right if you are right handed and in the opposite direction if you are a left-hander.
To become a full fly fishing ninja, though, the ideal solution in coping with difficult winds is learning to cast with either hand on either side of your body, making you what we can only describe as the ultimate “ambidextrous angler”.