The Essential Fly

Fly Fishing Argentina 13

Continuing our series on fly fishing in Argentina, both the Rio Aluminé and Rio Collon Cura rivers provide some delightful sport. The Aluminé begins at Lago Aluminé and runs for about a 100 miles before it joins the Rio Chimehuín to form Collón Cura. Both of these rivers are excellent for dry fly fishing, streamer fishing and, if necessary, fishing nymphs can also be very productive.  It's not unknown to catch 15-25 fish per rod each day. And the fish average between 16 and 18 inches in length.Some companies offer overnight trips on these rivers, so you can enjoy fine dining as well as time to contemplate the wildlife such as the local guanaco and red deer.  At certain times of year there is a spectacular minnow migration as well as large brown trout, which leave the Alicura Reservoir to get ready to spawn.  A perfect river on which float and enjoy miles of beautiful riffles and runs.

The Rio Meliquina and Rio Filo Hua Hum join to create the Rio Caleufu. This river flows west to east 40 miles before it pours into the Alicura Reservoir. The only way to fish this river property is to take up the opportunity for a couple ofnights’ float camping trip. The reason for this is that the waters flow for most of their length through private property. While the fish are not all large, and average only about 15-inches, the water is really beautiful, and the ability to camp out and cover water makes for a really special fly fishing trip.

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