The Essential Fly

Fly fishing flies: mayfly 4

Mayflies are incredibly important for fly fishing trout. This is largely because of their wide and dense distribution throughout waters in the world's vast and varied temperate regions. From the dawn of the sport hundreds of years ago anglers have been imitating mayflies. It is therefore always a good idea  to have a  wide selection of mayfly imitations in your fly box.

When packing your fly box with them, though, always consider your destination. Water type, season, local climate, and time of day will often determine which distinct hatches of mayfly species you will be most likely encounter. Because mayflies spend the proportionally greatest time in the nymph stage, never leave on your fishing trip without a really good solid selection of mayfly nymphs and emergers on hand. And don’t forget the duns and spinners either. These particular stages in the mayfly life cycle may be short relative to the nymph stage. It would in fact be a mistake to dismiss duns as spinners as not worth thinking about, because they can just as easily be the key to an epic day’s fly fishing.

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