
Roll Casting 3

To get the best out of your fly rods, as we’ve said before, you really need to practice a range of casts. We’ve been looking recently at roll casting, and it’s worth saying a little more on the topic.

If there is too much contact with the water, the line won’t lift cleanly from the surface and your cast will fail. You must take care with a sinking line, too, because if they submerge it will be difficult to to get enough energy to make a power stroke, and to lift the line and complete the cast. If this does happen you need to roll the line onto the water’s surface and repeat the cast immediately. You may have to reduce the amount of line to achieve this, though.

Single handed roll casts can be made both forehand and backhand. This helps you deal with obstacles or the wind. The most efficient way is to make the "D" loop and the forward cast small and as close to a straight line as possible. Try to align "D" loop with the direction of the forward cast before making a roll cast.

With a "Roll Lift," you can life a dead line from the water to make a straight line false cast. The right way to do this by hitting the line higher and harder than normal. This ensures the line is straight and that the fly does not brush the surface when the straight line back cast commences.

So get your fly rods really working for you and try a few of the roll cast methods we’ve addressed so far.

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