Useful Links
Fly Fishing Websites - fly fishing website
Fish Collective FishTweed run by the TRFA - Most of Tweed's salmon beats are here, together with many trout clubs. You can read about each one, see its current fishing availability, and book fishing permits online or by telephone. In particular you have free, unlimited access to:-
Daily river levels - updated twice daily during the salmon season
Daily salmon catches - updated automatically on ghillie notification
Rods available - updated hourly
Online booking - with immediate issuing of permits
Angling News
Provides a wide range of information on angling related matters, including river reports. It provides a news service, and its links include a number of conservation and fishery management addresses.
Association of Rivers Trusts (ART) (England & Wales)
An umbrella organisation established to represent the rivers trust movement in England and Wales working in partnership to promote practical and sustainable solutions to environmental issues.
Associations of Salmon Fishery Boards
Represents, co-ordinates and promotes the interests of Scottish salmon and sea trout fisheries.
Atlantic Salmon Federation
A North-American international non-profit organisation which promotes the conservation and wise management of the wild Atlantic Salmon and its environment.
Scottish Countryside Alliance
Environment Agency (EA) (England & Wales)
An online fishing information resource, designed to guide, educate and delight the fishing enthusiast.
Fisheries and Angling Conservation Trust (FACT)
FishScotland is a private enterprise national marketing system for all types of fishing in Scotland. It is regulated by the Angling Tourism Development Group on which sit representatives of the main industry groupings, Scottish Enterprise, VisitScotland and the Scottish Executive.
Fisheries Research Services (Scottish Executive agency)
The Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory, whose website is accessed through Fisheries Research Services is the only government research laboratory in Great Britain which is wholly devoted to freshwater fisheries.
Its sister agency – the Marine Laboratory – which has responsibility for marine research is based in Aberdeen.
Fishmongers' Company
Galloway Fisheries Trust
Galloway Fisheries Trust run a Primary School project called "Salmon in the classroom" which aims to educate primary school children on the importance of conserving salmon.
Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust
Grayling Society
Institute of Fisheries Management (IFM)North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation (NASCO)
Scottish Anglers National Association (SANA)
Scottish Fisheries Coordination Centre
Ensures the exchange of fishery-related information between the whole range of organisations involved in fisheries management in Scotland. The site includes details of the partners, which include the West Coast Fishery Trusts, and direct links.
Sea Trout Fishing
The website of an Irish campaign to reverse the decline in sea trout stocks.
The UK-wide organisation representing the views of Game Anglers. It has offices in London and Edinburgh.
The Salmon Farm Monitor
The website of the Salmon Farm Protest Group, carries outspoken criticisms of sea cage aquaculture.
The Spey Fishery Board
Publishes an informative website describing a major salmon river and its management activities.
World Wildlife Fund
Wye & Usk Foundation
Fish & Fly
Online club for passionate fly fishers