The Essential Fly

Genuine Seals Fur 1gm Pack Firey Brown

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Seals Fur Clearance

Buy any 10 mixed packs for 20% discount at £40. Due to its limited availability this is a clearance last chance opportunity for fly tyers loving Seal Fur for their fly patterns


In Stock
Packing Weight
1 g
Genuine Seals Fur 1gm Pack Firey Brown

This Firey Brown Seals fur is a bulk pack ideal for professional/commercial tyers or for retailers wishing to sell seals fur dubbing.

This seal fur dubbing can be used as it is or of course you can blend it with natural or synthetic dubbings to create a life like dubbing with the wonderful spikey appearance that makes dubbing appear natural when tied onto flies.

This product was last modified on 13/03/2025 04:00


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Our Part Number
Bar Code
Product Type
Fly Tying
Firey Brown
Material Type
Seals Fur

Tying Material Attributes
Tying Product Family

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