Thin Skin
Amber coloured, thin transparent and stretchable material. Shiny on one side and matt on the other it is easy to cut to shape. Can be used on nymphs, wing cases shrimp backs etc.
Thin Skin is a .004″ thick, stretchable and transparent sheet material that has a matte finish on one side and a shiny finish on the other. It is backed with a paper backing which makes it easy to cut into strips of all sizes. When the paper is removed, the transparent sheet can easily be tied onto the fly.The printed patterns on Thin Skin can create an extremely realistic and/or dramatic look to the fly. Because Thin Skin stretches and compresses when thread or wire is wrapped around it, it is an ideal material to use for shellbacks on flies such as scuds or sowbugs or for wing cases on nymphs of all types. Many bass and saltwater fly tyers often use it to tie segmented crayfish and shrimp patterns.
- Awesome for wing cases and shellbacks
- Easy to use and super durable
This product was last modified on 16/01/2025 13:30
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Fly Tying
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