Trout Emerger Buzzers & Suspender Buzzers
The emerger is the pupa that is resting just prior to hatching, loved by Rainbow and Brown Trout. These flies hang, ideally like the suspender buzzer in the surface film, like the natural emerger it imitates. These use cdc or materials which are extremely buoyant.
Check our midge family hatch frequency and guide to fishing with buzzers for more information when and where to use the different colours and increase your chances of catching that nice trout.
Shipmans Buzzers
The Shipmans Buzzer, created by Dave Shipman in 1979-80 is very popular with anglers. It can come in a variety of colours. Sandy's Blank Buster CDC emergers are great emerger pattersn as the CDC will hold the fly in the surface film.
The emerger is a transformational state between the pupa and adult fly. The emerger stage for flies can happen fast, but trout and other fish take notice and feast on these bugs as they rise or swim quickly to the water's surface.
When to Fish Emerger Flies
Trout feeding on an emerger can usually be seen visually as a dry fly feeding fish. Many people mistake a trout feeding on an emerger as a fish taking a dun (adult fly). This can easily be distinguished by watching the way the fish is feeding. If the trout is rising dorsal fin, tail, then kicking down either creating a bulge or splashy rise it is usually feeding on an emerger. Large trout feeding on emergers usually just create a bulge. The key is to see if the fish is showing its head, and if it is not then it is usually feeding on an emerger just subsurface and this is the time that you must fish with emerger patterns as although it appears fish are taking dry flies it is simply not the case!
Fishing With A Suspender Buzzer or Emerger
Emerger or suspender buzzers can be fished singly or on droppers. Use floatant such as Gink if neccessary and case using a tapered leader to ensure that the emerger unfurls through the case. Watch and wait, trout will bulge then kick down, takes can be very fast with emergers.