The Essential Fly

Streamer Flies and Lures For Trout Fishing

Lures & streamers are attractor fly fishing patterns frequently used for Brown & Rainbow Trout. Ranging from Blobs to Nomads we have supplied fly fishermen worldwide, check & see why

Lures & streamer flies are primarily used on lakes and reservoirs, often for stocked Rainbow Trout. Often attractor patterns they may not even resemble any fish, fly or invertebrate found in the water. Attractors, lures like Consett Budgie for example are intended to trigger a Rainbow Trout's predatory nature with its' colour white, yellow and orange it works well on changing light conditions as clouds move across the sky.

Other attractors like nomads are considered to imitate fish or leaches or other things depending who you speak to. Attractors like Blobs or Foam Arsed Blobs imitate nothing whatsoever! However their bright colours do stimulate bites, remember however a black blob works stunningly well as dusk arrives! Check our huge range of lures and streamers for trout.

What are Trout Streamers?

Simply a streamer fly imitates a fish and has lots of movement.


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